Monday, October 13, 2008

Beautiful Bungendore

These photos illustrate how different the weather can be here. The first 2 photos are rather blurry because the batteries were low. They show the aftermath of a hailstorm we had on 14th August this year. Our back verandah was coated and the remnants of it were still there the following morning. The second photo is even more blurry but you can see what happened to the quilt cover on the washing line! I had to unpeg one side of it the next morning and tip out a large quantity of ice, by now looking more like snow as it had melded together. The weather was lovely when I hung it out! The storm came on suddenly and lasted about 20 minutes.

By contrast, here is a photo of the same verandah after it rained mud on 26th September 2008 - taken the next day when the mud had dried to dust.  The dust coated the table, the boards, the plants and everything else in sight. I was out in car in the "rain" so the car, too, was coated in mud. The dust comes from out west of the State - pity the poor farmers losing such good topsoil, carried away on the winds and dumped on poor unsuspecting cities and towns. We don't need it but the farmers certainly do. Unfortunately we have been getting this a few times a year since the drought began several years ago. Rain like this does not help anyone. We had a wind storm only last week which also deposited lots of dust - inside as well as out. The weather had been glorious in the 20s C on the day so the front and back doors and some windows were open. I am still trying to get rid of the dust. The TV screen was completely coated.

We do have beautiful weather here too....  More photos next time.


Cath Ü said...

Wow... how scary and weird is that weather.....
Cath Ü

Vickie said...

Oh my it sure is freaky when that happens and like you said then there is the joy NOT of cleaning up , welcome to bloggy world,
cheers Vickie